Addressing the COVID Crisis

By Rudy Saleh
Edmonton Martial Arts - COVID

Edmonton Martial Arts: Addressing the COVID crisis

COVID-19 has affected many people and organizations worldwide. Due to the rapid spread of the virus, numerous organizations have had to close down, and countless people lost their jobs. At EMA, our top priority will always be our students, especially during this difficult time. Therefore, to protect them, our initial action was to close our facility temporarily. However, after plenty of discussions, we decided to reopen EMA to our students. 

We reopened EMA on July 3rd to give our students a chance to stay active even during a pandemic. However, to ensure our students’ safety and wellness, we established new safety procedures that follow the Alberta Health Services’ guidelines. Our new system is as follows:

  • The maximum number of people allowed in the gym at a time is 25, with 18 of those being the students, and two being the employees.
  • People in the facility are encouraged wear a mask and to maintain a distance of two metres between one another.
  • Students are encouraged to bring their own equipment that was provided by EMA.
  • Students must wash their hands or use the hand sanitizers provided in our facility before using or touching any gym items or equipment.
  • Students must sanitize equipment after using it.
  • Only five parents and visitors are allowed in the gym at a time. Therefore, parents are encouraged to wait for their children in the hall or office.
  • Before entering the facility, students, parents, and employees must sign the list hung in the hall in front of the office.

We encourage everyone to follow our new system so we can keep all our staff and students safe. Thank you in advance for following our new system.